- Autor:
praca zbiorowa
- Wydawnictwo:
Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Jana Pawła II Biała Podlaska
- ISBN:9788364881640
- Format:PDF
8,90 zł
Produkt niedostępny
A rapid development in the fi eld of materials, installations and construction
technologies has been observed for decades. Consequently, the research carried out
in terms of various categories allows for the implementation and application of many
innovative solutions to the construction.
The construction development is primarily determined by the availability of new
materials and their application, which becomes a major determinant of progress and
innovation. Nevertheless, the interest in the introduction of new materials to the
construction industry is not decreasing. Even though successively introduced European
standards in Poland aim at imposing the requirements in terms of materials, while they
still treat briefl y the quality and quantity of the ingredients used in the composition.
The knowledge of the physico-mechanical and physico-chemical properties of materials
enables the selection of a more suitable and economical way of their application. At the
same time, the properties of the materials must be related to the physical processes that
occur in materials used to build various objects. Thus the materials determine such factors
as the comfort of use, durability, safety, impact on man and the surrounding environment.
Consequently, while introducing new materials and technologies, it is necessary to take
sustainable development into account since it reduces CO2 emissions and becomes more
environmentally friendly for man.
This monograph constitutes a collection of articles in the area of materials, installations
and construction technologies.
In more than 20 articles, the authors present examples of solutions that allow to obtain a
lot of information and knowledge on materials which are important from both the scientifi c
and technical point of view. More importantly, the solutions are copyrighted since they
result from experiments and theoretical research related to the areas of concern.
The information and solutions described in the articles can be used as a study aid
not only to students of architecture and civil engineering, but also for civil engineers
involved in the design and construction of buildings and specialists in the area of
engineering science.