ebook Fundamentals of Python programming. Examples and practice exercises - Lidia Stępień,Marcin R. Stępień,Hubert Dróżdż

Fundamentals of Python programming. Examples and practice exercises

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Preface A computer program is a detailed set of instructions that defines the actions that a computer should perform. It is created as a result of the process of creating the program’s source code in a selected programming language, which is a set of rules that determine what sequences of symbols make up a computer program and what calculations describe this program. At a later stage, the source code of the program can be processed through: • compilation - the source code is translated into machine language; • interpretation - the source code is continuously translated and executed by an additional program called an interpreter. Then we will say that the programming language subject to compilation is a compiled programming language, and that subject to interpretation is an interpreted programming language. Python is an interpreted high-level programming language created by Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum in 1990. The language was named after the BBC television program "Monty Python’s Flying Circus". Python is developed as an Open Source project, and its interpreters are available for various operating systems. Python is one of the youngest, but also most commonly used programming languages today. It has a fairly easy syntax, relatively few keywords, and a very rich library base, with the help of which even very complex programming projects can be created. Python has rich possibilities for both procedural and object-oriented programming. Another advantage is that the keywords used in this language are identical to those in other modern high-level languages such as C++, JAVA or PHP. However, compared to these languages, creating programs in Python is more intuitive and does not require a beginner to have extensive computer knowledge or remember many editing details. On the other hand, this language has some interesting solutions that other languages do not have, including the existence of a computational type for complex numbers, the exponentiation operator, a default input type of str, a very convenient data structure list, and an essentially unlimited range of numeric data. Python is a multi-paradigm programming language with versatile applications, optimized for code readability, concise syntax, and software quality. Python is currently 6 Preface 7 one of the most popular programming languages. It is used in various fields, from web development and data analysis to artificial intelligence and machine learning. The large community and wealth of libraries make Python ideal for both beginners and advanced programmers. Based on many years of teaching experience in teaching various programming languages to first-cycle computer science students, and taking into account the varying levels of programming advancement of students starting their studies, it can be stated with certainty that learning Python as the first programming language seems to be the best solution. Among other things, thanks to Python, students learn to take care of code readability and it is easier for them to transfer these skills to other programming languages that no longer have such restrictive requirements. The proposed manual is a practical guide focusing on the basics of programming in Python. Its primary goal is to develop programming skills in Python by discussing basic programming constructs and data structures and providing rich illustrations using appropriately selected examples. In addition, tasks for self-solving will serve to consolidate the acquired skills. The reader will be able to use the skills acquired through studying this manual in any Python-based software system encountered. This manual could not have been created without the invaluable help of many people, but dr hab. Andrzej Zbrzezny prof. UJD deserves special recognition. We could always count on his support and suggestions resulting from many years of work with students, as well as on inspiring us with his ideas. We are grateful for the opportunity to draw from the resources of such rich scientific and teaching experience.