ebook English Vocabulary. Listen & Learn to Speak (for French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish speakers) - Dorota Guzik,Dominika Tkaczyk

English Vocabulary. Listen & Learn to Speak (for French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish speakers)

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Kurs językowy w języku angielskim (dla osób biegle władających językiem angielskim).

English Vocabulary. Listen & Learn to Speak. Pack of 4 courses: Irregular Verbs Part 1 + Irregular Verbs Part 2 + Idioms Part 1 & 2 + Phrasal Verbs in situations (for French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish speakers)

The main aim of the courses is to teach the most popular irregular verbs, idioms and phrasal verbs that occur most frequently in everyday conversations. Learning takes place through the association of meanings in contexts. The exercises in each lesson allow the learner to master and consolidate the expressions quickly. This is effective learning, easy and accessible to everyone.

Irregular Verbs Part 1 and Irregular Verbs Part 2 introduce 100 popular irregular verbs and teach how to use them in the appropriate tenses and grammatical forms.

Idioms Part 1 & 2 teaches more than 300 idiomatic phrases that appear in typical situations.

Phrasal Verbs in Situations introduces more than 200 verbs with similar meanings according to the categories of the following particles: out, off, through, into, over, up, down, away, on, back.

Each lesson contains:

  • LISTEN - an interesting story showing use of the expressions in context;
  • REPEAT - repeating and consolidating of whole sentences in various situations;
  • SPEAK - independent formation of sentences in accordance with the teacher’s instructions;
  • Glossary to each lesson in the PDF file with the translations of verbs and phrases.